Lesson 3

This is me telling tales sent in from wizards around the universe to be on my  blog. I will tell one tale for each lesson. Joshua wrote me this:

        "Hi, my name is Joshua. I am not the most powerful wizard in the world, but I am dangerous to my enemies. I wanted to be in the ISSOW so bad but all I was in was the International Society of Wizards(INSOW) so I requested access and was told to begin my orientation on a far-off planet. I knew at that moment I would need a list of things for my portal to work and get me there and when I was getting dragon scales, well I learned a little lesson.
        For years I'd been searching for dragons. I was chasing one right now and got it against a wall. I tried casting my spell but it didn't work. Only then did I remember: I need to cast properly!!!!!!! So I slowed down and casted with my whole body and my wand, and there it was three dragon scales from the underbelly of a dragon. The dragon flew away but I remembered him always. He taught me something. he taught me that slowing down to do it the right way is a good idea. So if your ever hurrying through something take the time to do that thing the right way."

         So I hope you learned that little guy's lesson. He is now part of ISSOW and we are glad to have him.

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